Health & Livelihood

A total of 54 health related initiatives were supported in 2023 covering 17% of the annual CSR budget. Among the key initiatives supported include:
- Our flagship CSR Initiative, the annual cancer run towards cancer treatment facilities at Nsambya Hospital
- 200 bags of cement towards renovation of Kibuli Hospital
- Ugx. 35 m towards construction of Nkozi Hospital Accident and Trauma Centre
- Ugx. 20 m towards an ultrasound machine for St. Anthony Hospital
- Ugx. 10 m support to Lwala hospital construction of a pediatric ward.
- Ugx. 05 m to CURE hospital in Mbale towards children with brain challenges.
- Ugx. 05 m towards an Incinerator for Michoes hospital.
- Ugx. 05 m towards Malaria free Uganda
- Participated in TASO run for HIV awareness.
- Participated in blood donation drives.
- Supported a medical camp at St. Mary's Hospital.
- Sanitary towels for the girl-child in partnership with Afri-pads, in Kayabwe.
- Supported several medical camps in different districts.